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Designing A Quick Erect Awning For Your Campervan

KHYAM 2020 Motordome Classic Pro Quick Erect Awning 110278
KHYAM 2020 Motordome Classic Pro Quick Erect Awning 110278 from www.campervantastic.com


When it comes to camping trips, a campervan is the perfect vehicle to take you on your adventure. Not only does it provide a comfortable space for sleeping, but it also allows you to take your home with you wherever you go. However, sometimes you need a little extra space to relax and enjoy the great outdoors. This is where a quick erect awning comes in handy. In this article, we will discuss the best design approach and theme for your quick erect awning and provide suggestions on color schemes, furniture placement, and other decorative options to enhance aesthetics and comfortability within the space.

Quick Erect Awning for Campervan

Theme and Design Approach

The theme for your quick erect awning should be focused on creating a relaxing and comfortable outdoor space. The design approach should be simple yet functional, with an emphasis on maximizing space while still providing plenty of natural light and ventilation. To achieve this, we suggest using light and neutral colors for the walls and furniture, as well as incorporating natural materials like wood and bamboo for a rustic feel.

Color Scheme

The color scheme for your quick erect awning should be light and neutral. This will create a bright and open space that feels airy and welcoming. We suggest using shades of white, beige, and light gray for the walls and furniture, with pops of color in the accessories and decor. This will create a cohesive look that is both calming and inviting.

Neutral Color Scheme

Furniture Placement

When it comes to furniture placement in your quick erect awning, you want to maximize space while still providing plenty of seating options for you and your guests. We suggest using a combination of benches, chairs, and floor cushions to create a cozy and comfortable seating area. Place the benches and chairs along the walls to create a sense of openness in the center of the space, and use the floor cushions to create a casual and relaxed atmosphere.

Furniture Placement

Decorative Options

When it comes to decorative options for your quick erect awning, you want to keep it simple yet stylish. Use natural materials like wood and bamboo for decor items like lanterns, candle holders, and picture frames. Incorporate plants and flowers to bring a touch of nature into the space. Hang string lights or lanterns to create a warm and inviting atmosphere in the evenings. These small touches will make your quick erect awning feel like a home away from home.

Decorative Options


A quick erect awning is the perfect addition to any campervan, providing you with a comfortable and relaxing outdoor space to enjoy the great outdoors. By following these design tips and suggestions, you can create a beautiful and functional quick erect awning that will enhance your camping experience. So what are you waiting for? Start designing your perfect quick erect awning today!

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