'/> Interior Decorating: Backyard Chicken Breeds - Chicago Bwars

Interior Decorating: Backyard Chicken Breeds

Gracie's Backyard Chickens What Breed?
Gracie's Backyard Chickens What Breed? from graciesbackyardchickens.blogspot.com
backyard chicken breeds


Keeping chickens in your backyard has become a popular trend in recent years. Not only do they provide fresh eggs, but they also make great pets. If you're planning on raising chickens, it's important to choose the right breed that will thrive in your environment. In this article, we'll explore different backyard chicken breeds and how to incorporate them into your interior design.

Choosing the Right Breed

chicken breeds

Before you start designing your space, you'll need to choose the right breed of chicken to raise. Some popular breeds include:

Rhode Island Red

Rhode Island Red chicken

The Rhode Island Red is a great breed for beginners. They're known for their hardiness and are excellent egg layers. They have a beautiful deep red color that can add warmth to any space.


Wyandotte chicken

Wyandottes are another popular breed for backyard chicken owners. They come in a variety of colors and are known for their gentle personalities. They also lay brown eggs, which can add a nice contrast to a light colored room.


Ameraucana chicken

If you're looking for a breed that lays blue or green eggs, the Ameraucana is a great option. They're also known for their calm temperament and are a great breed for families with children.

Incorporating Chickens into Your Interior Design

Now that you've chosen the right breed, it's time to incorporate them into your interior design. Here are some ideas:

Color Scheme

color scheme

Consider using warm colors like red, orange, and yellow to complement the deep red color of the Rhode Island Red. If you have Wyandottes, try using a light blue or green color scheme to complement their brown feathers. For Ameraucanas, use shades of blue and green to complement their blue-green eggs.

Furniture Placement

furniture placement

If you have a small space, consider using a corner or unused nook for your chicken coop. You can also use a decorative screen to conceal the coop when it's not in use. If you have a larger space, consider using a freestanding coop as a focal point.

Decorative Options

decorative options

There are many decorative options available to incorporate chickens into your interior design. Consider using chicken wire as a decorative element, or using chicken-themed artwork or wallpaper. You can also use chicken feathers in your decor, such as in a vase or as a centerpiece.


Whether you're a seasoned chicken owner or just starting out, incorporating chickens into your interior design can add charm and personality to your space. By choosing the right breed and incorporating them into your color scheme and decor, you can create a cohesive and beautiful space that you and your chickens will love.

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