'/> Designing An Unfinished Wood Armoire For A Relaxed Silo Bedroom - Chicago Bwars

Designing An Unfinished Wood Armoire For A Relaxed Silo Bedroom

Unfinished Armoire Wardrobe Create Exquisite Look With Any Finish You
Unfinished Armoire Wardrobe Create Exquisite Look With Any Finish You from sofaideas.net
Unfinished Wood Armoire


Creating a relaxing and cozy bedroom is all about finding the right balance between functionality and aesthetics. Choosing the right furniture pieces plays a crucial role in achieving this balance. In this article, we will explore how to incorporate an unfinished wood armoire into a SILO bedroom design, providing suggestions for color schemes, furniture placement, and other decorative options.

The SILO Design Approach

SILO is a design approach that emphasizes simplicity, functionality, and natural materials. This approach is characterized by the use of raw, unfinished wood, concrete, metal, and other industrial materials. The SILO design approach creates an environment that is both elegant and informal, providing a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.

Color Scheme

The color scheme for a SILO bedroom should be simple and neutral. We recommend using shades of gray, beige, and white, with accents of black and other muted colors. The unfinished wood armoire will add warmth and texture to the room, so it is important to choose colors that complement the natural wood tones.
SILO Bedroom

Furniture Placement

The placement of furniture in a SILO bedroom should be functional and uncluttered. The unfinished wood armoire should be placed against a wall, preferably near the entrance of the room. This will allow for easy access to clothing and other items stored in the armoire. The bed should be placed in the center of the room, with bedside tables on each side. A comfortable armchair or bench can be placed in a corner of the room, creating a cozy reading nook.

Decorative Options

Decorative options for a SILO bedroom include industrial lighting fixtures, abstract art pieces, and natural fibers such as linen and wool. A large area rug in a neutral color can add warmth and texture to the room. Plants and other natural elements, such as a branch or a vase of flowers, can add a touch of greenery and life to the space.


Incorporating an unfinished wood armoire into a SILO bedroom design can add warmth, texture, and functionality to the space. By using a simple and neutral color scheme, functional furniture placement, and natural decorative options, a cozy and relaxing atmosphere can be achieved. With these design tips, you can create a SILO bedroom that is both elegant and informal, providing a comfortable and inviting space for rest and relaxation.
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