'/> Interior Decorating: Designing A Room With A Fisher Price Whale Bathtub - Chicago Bwars

Interior Decorating: Designing A Room With A Fisher Price Whale Bathtub

Best Buy FisherPrice Whale of a Tub Baby Bathtub DRD93
Best Buy FisherPrice Whale of a Tub Baby Bathtub DRD93 from www.bestbuy.com


Interior decorating is an art that involves making spaces functional, aesthetically pleasing, and comfortable. When it comes to designing a room for a child, the design choices can be even more challenging, as it must be both practical and playful. In this article, we will explore how to create a fun and functional space using a Fisher Price whale bathtub as the focal point.

Fisher Price Whale Bathtub

Theme and Design Approach

The theme for this room will be ocean-inspired, with a focus on whales and other sea creatures. The design approach will be playful and colorful, with a mix of modern and vintage elements. The room will be designed to grow with the child, with elements that can easily be changed as the child grows older.

Ocean Inspired Room

Color Scheme

The color scheme for this room will be primarily blue, green, and white, with accents of yellow and orange. These colors will create a calming and soothing atmosphere, while also reflecting the ocean theme. The walls will be painted light blue, with a white ceiling and trim. The bedding and curtains will be white, with blue and green accents.

Blue and Green Color Scheme

Furniture Placement

The main focal point of the room will be the Fisher Price whale bathtub, which will be placed in the center of the room. The crib will be placed on one wall, with a changing table and dresser on the opposite wall. A comfortable rocking chair will be placed in the corner of the room, with a small side table for books and toys.

Furniture Placement in Room

Decorative Options

Wall Art

The walls of the room will be adorned with ocean-inspired artwork, including vintage travel posters and modern prints of whales and other sea creatures. A large mural of an underwater scene can be painted on one wall to create a sense of depth and dimension.

Ocean Artwork for Kids Room

Rugs and Pillows

To add texture and comfort to the room, a soft plush rug in shades of blue and green can be placed underneath the crib and changing table. Decorative pillows with whale and other sea creature designs can be scattered throughout the room to add a playful touch.

Ocean Inspired Rug and Pillows


The lighting in the room should be soft and soothing, with a mix of natural and artificial light sources. A large window can be dressed with sheer white curtains to let in natural light, while a table lamp with a blue or green shade can be placed on the side table. A ceiling fixture with a frosted glass shade can provide overall light for the room.

Soft Lighting for Kids Room


Designing a room with a Fisher Price whale bathtub as the focal point can be a fun and exciting challenge. By using an ocean-inspired theme, a playful and colorful design approach, and a mix of modern and vintage elements, you can create a room that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. With the right color scheme, furniture placement, and decorative options, you can create a space that your child will love for years to come.

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