'/> Interior Design: Creating The Perfect Relaxing Bedroom - Chicago Bwars

Interior Design: Creating The Perfect Relaxing Bedroom

Eloise Barnes on Vimeo
Eloise Barnes on Vimeo from vimeo.com
Relaxing Bedroom

The Theme: Tranquility and Serenity

When it comes to the perfect relaxing bedroom, the theme should be centered around tranquility and serenity. This means incorporating elements that promote a sense of calm and relaxation, while also creating a visually appealing space that you'll love spending time in.


The Color Scheme: Soft and Soothing

The color scheme for a relaxing bedroom should be soft and soothing. Think muted tones of blue, green, and gray, which promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Avoid bright, bold colors as they can be stimulating and energizing, which is the opposite of what you want in a bedroom.

Soft Colors

Furniture Placement: Keep it Simple

The key to furniture placement in a relaxing bedroom is to keep it simple. Avoid cluttering the space with too much furniture, as this can make the room feel cramped and chaotic. Stick to the essentials, such as a bed, nightstands, and a dresser, and arrange them in a way that maximizes space and promotes relaxation.

Simple Furniture

Decorative Options: Add Texture and Warmth

When it comes to decorative options in a relaxing bedroom, the goal is to add texture and warmth to the space. This can be achieved through the use of soft, cozy bedding, plush rugs, and warm lighting. Incorporate natural textures, such as wood or woven materials, to add a touch of warmth and earthiness to the space.



Creating the perfect relaxing bedroom is all about incorporating elements that promote a sense of calm and tranquility, while also creating a visually appealing space that you'll love spending time in. Stick to a soft, soothing color scheme, keep furniture placement simple, and add texture and warmth through decorative options. By following these guidelines, you'll be on your way to creating the perfect relaxing bedroom in no time.

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