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Interior Decorating: Bathtub Decals

Vinyl Wall Decals Bathtub Design Decal 40
Vinyl Wall Decals Bathtub Design Decal 40 from www.stickonmania.com
Interior Decorating: Bathtub Decals

The Importance of Bathtub Decals

Bathtub Decals

Bathtub decals are a crucial element in any bathroom design. They not only add a decorative touch to the space, but they also provide safety features for the user. Slippery bathtubs can be dangerous, especially for young children and the elderly. By adding bathtub decals, you can reduce the risk of falls and create a beautiful, cohesive bathroom design.

Choosing the Right Design Approach

Design Approach

When it comes to choosing a design approach for your bathroom, there are several options to consider. One popular option is a minimalist design, which focuses on simplicity and clean lines. Another option is a vintage or retro design, which incorporates elements from past eras. A modern design approach is also a great choice, with its sleek and streamlined aesthetic.

Color Scheme Suggestions

Color Scheme

The color scheme you choose for your bathroom can make a big impact on the overall design. For a minimalist design, consider using neutral colors like white, gray, and beige. A vintage or retro design would benefit from warm colors like brown, gold, and orange. A modern design approach is perfect for bold, bright colors like red, blue, and green.

Furniture Placement

Furniture Placement

When it comes to furniture placement in a bathroom, it's important to consider the size of the space. For smaller bathrooms, consider using a pedestal sink instead of a bulky vanity. If you have a larger bathroom, a double vanity or freestanding bathtub can be a great addition. Remember to keep the layout functional and easy to navigate.

Other Decorative Options

Decorative Options

In addition to bathtub decals, there are several other decorative options to consider in your bathroom design. Consider adding a patterned shower curtain or a colorful bath mat. Wall art or framed photos can add a personal touch to the space. Plants or flowers can also bring a natural element into the room.


Incorporating bathtub decals into your bathroom design is a smart and stylish choice. Not only do they provide added safety, but they can also enhance the overall aesthetics of the space. By choosing the right design approach, color scheme, and furniture placement, you can create a beautiful and functional bathroom that you'll love.

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